I trust Hillary Clinton as president and commander in chief, but the thought of Donald Trump as commander in chief scares me to death.
Both the State Department and the FBI deny any 'quid pro quo' between Hillary Clinton's State Department and the FBI.
Not one single scandal that Hillary Clinton has been accused of has ever, ever been proved.
One of the problems that Hillary Clinton had, and one of the problems that Democrats still have is people don't really know what we stand for.
Hillary [Clinton] has been very guarded with the press.
About 65 percent of Republicans believe that Donald Trump is not the best candidate to go head to head with Hillary Clinton.
I will do whatever I can to defeat Hillary Clinton.
What many of the Senate Democrats are taking as the lesson of this election was that Hillary Clinton is too moderate and they need to go more Elizabeth Warren, more Bernie Sanders, more extreme and on the fringes.
Donald Trump agreed with Hillary Clinton supporting John Kerry. He agreed with Hillary Clinton on being - quote - "neutral" between Israel and the Palestinians.
At the Republican convention, there were lots of words used to describe Hillary Clinton, but warm, funny and caring weren't among them.
Aside from Donald Trump, polls find [Hillary] Clinton to be the least-liked presidential candidate in recent history.
Judy Price Osgood is a longtime friend of Clinton's, and she says she meets people regularly who say they don't like [Hillary] Clinton.
Kathy Burgess describes [Hillary] Clinton as fun and an all-around great person but admits it doesn't come through well.
[Hillary Clinton] needs to accomplish a lot. She also has to provide a unifying theme for all the things she wants to do.
A majority of Hillary Clinton supporters say they are likely to split their ticket. So, they will vote for Hillary Clinton, but they will vote for Republicans for the Senate or governor or some other races down the ballot. But a majority of Donald Trump voters said they wouldn't split their ticket. They're going to stick on the Republican side.
I did work well with Hillary Clinton when she was my colleague in the Senate, and I certainly don't bear her any ill will. But when I listened carefully to her commencement speech, what I heard was a laundry list of very expensive new programs that our country simply cannot afford, and that would add to our already overwhelming $17 trillion debt. I'm also disturbed by the mismatch in her answers to the questions about her e-mail server and what the FBI Director Comey says that the FBI's investigation found.
My heart is with Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton's weakest group, though, is people under 30, the young.
When it comes to Hillary Clinton, it is really about mobilizing and energizing women voters to turn out to the polls.
[Hillary Clinton chose to make her marriage work. That is just outrageous.]It speaks of the sexism and the misogyny in this election [2016].
Bill Clinton was punished for his behavior.
Clinton was very early on aware of the problem of international terrorism.
What Clinton wants is to enforce trade policy, she wants to triple the number of trade enforcement officers, which will really matter in trying to level the playing field with South Korea and China and other countries that don't play it straight.
Clinton is someone who understands trade, who understands we want more of it, but we want it under a different set of rules.
I absolutely trust Hillary Clinton to stand strong on trade agreements.