Cost Quotes - Page 2

It is easy to be conspicuously 'compassionate' if others are being forced to pay the cost.
Murray Rothbard (2009). “Review of Austrian Economics, Volume 8”, Ludwig von Mises Institute
Bob Goff, Donald Miller (2012). “Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World”, p.52, Thomas Nelson Inc
Amelia Bloomer (1975). “Life and Writings of Amelia Bloomer”
Letter to her daughter Mary, Countess of Bute, 30 May 1756, in Robert Halsband (ed.) 'The Complete Letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu' vol. 3 (1967) p. 107
Mental health is an ongoing process of dedication to reality at all costs
M. Scott Peck (2002). “The Road Less Traveled, 25th Anniversary Edition: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth”, p.50, Simon and Schuster
Florinda Donner (1991). “Being-in-dreaming”, Harpercollins
James Cameron (1968). “What a way to run the tribe: selected articles, 1948-67”
Child of God, you cost Christ too much for him to forget you.
Spurgeon, Charles H. “The Complete Works of C. H. Spurgeon, Volume 61: Sermons 3440-3492”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
John Rawls (2009). “A Theory of Justice”, p.87, Harvard University Press