Country Quotes - Page 79
"Memories of an unfinished war: Canada, the United States and the decolonization process in Angola" by Manuel Francisco Gomes, Collaborator Alberto João Jardim; Published by Edições Colibri, (p. 153), 2006.
"Einstein on Politics: His Private Thoughts and Public Stands on Nationalism, Zionism, War, Peace, and the Bomb".
John J. Farrell, Zachary Taylor, United States. President (1849-1850 : Taylor), United States. President (1850-1853 : Fillmore) (1971). “Zachary Taylor 1784-1850 [and] Millard Fillmore 1800-1874: chronology, documents, bibliographical aids”, Oceana Pubns
William S. Burroughs (1989). “Tornado alley”
"A Writer's Notebook" by W. Somerset Maugham, Country Life Press, (p. 48), 1949.
Citizenship in a Republic - The Man in the Arena, delivered 23 April 1910, Le Sorbonne, University of Paris
Paul Wellstone (2001). “The Conscience of a Liberal: Reclaiming the Compassionate Agenda”, p.7, Random House
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, Samuel Bryan, Patrick Henry (2017). “Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist: The Great Debate (Complete Articles & Essays in One Volume): Words that Traced the Path of the Nation - Founding Fathers’ Political and Philosophical Debate, Their Opinions and Arguments about the Constitution”, p.83, Madison & Adams Press
Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (1968). “Unity, Freedom & Peace: A Blueprint for Tomorrow”
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi (Shah of Iran) (1980). “The Shah's story”, Michael Joseph
Der Stürmer newspaper, 1944.