
Desert Quotes - Page 4

This is the sense of the desert hills, that there is room enough and time enough

This is the sense of the desert hills, that there is room enough and time enough

Mary Hunter Austin, Marjorie Pryse (1987). “Stories from the Country of Lost Borders”, p.56, Rutgers University Press

In the desert, an old monk had once advised a traveler, the voices of God and the Devil are scarcely distinguishable.

Loren Eiseley (2016). “The Unexpected Universe: A Library of America eBook Classic”, p.62, Library of America

For love, we will climb mountains, cross seas, traverse desert sands, and endure untold hardships. Without love, mountains become unclimbable, seas uncrossable, deserts unbearable, and hardships our lot in life.

Gary Chapman, Ross Campbell (2010). “The 5 Love Languages/The 5 Love Languages Men's Edition/The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers/The 5 Love Lan”, p.16, Moody Publishers

So it always is: when you escape to a desert the silence shouts in your ear.

Graham Greene (1973). “The Collected Edition: The quiet American”

Much love much trial, but what an utter desert is life without love.

"Darwin letters evolve to web" by James Randerson, May 17, 2007.

Gradually I came to realize that the process of saving the desert of the human heart and revegetating the actual desert is actually the same thing.

Masanobu Fukuoka (2013). “Sowing Seeds in the Desert: Natural Farming, Global Restoration, and Ultimate Food Security”, p.47, Chelsea Green Publishing

Our knowledge is a receding mirage in an expanding desert of ignorance.

Will Durant (2011). “The Reformation: The Story of Civilization”, p.20, Simon and Schuster