
Discovery Quotes - Page 64

Exciting discoveries in neuroscience are allowing us to fit educational methods to new understandings of how the brain develops.

"Bringing Free Market Choices to Education" by John Katzman, March 28, 2013.

The discovery of truth, by slow progressive meditation, is wisdom. - Intuition of truth, not preceded by perceptible meditation, is genius.

"Aphorisms on man. Translated from the original manuscript of the Rev. John Caspar Lavater, citizen of Zuric. ; [One line from Juvenal]" by Johann Kaspar Lavater, 1790.

The 19th century was the great period of engineering, thanks to the railways, thanks to lots of discoveries in metallurgy.

"Eiffel Tower Celebrates 125th Birthday". Interview With Jeremy Hobson, April 4, 2014.