
Exclusion Quotes - Page 2

Education is necessary to unlearn privilege, unlearn exclusion, unlearn discrimination, unlearn prejudice, unlearn war.

Education is necessary to unlearn privilege, unlearn exclusion, unlearn discrimination, unlearn prejudice, unlearn war.

"Interim report of the Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order, Alfred Maurice de Zayas". August 09, 2012.

It is my sense of exclusion from representation that made me want to be a part of figuring out if we could make a difference.

"Meera Menon and the Women of Wall Street". Interview with Emma Brown, January 29, 2016.

Of my sowing such straw I reap. O human folk, why set the heart there where exclusion of partnership is necessary

Dante Alighieri (2013). “The Divine Comedy: The Unabridged Classic”, p.272, Vintage

I’ve never seen the need to choose one type of music at the exclusion of another. That would feel kind of sad and arbitrary.

"Exclusive Premiere of Moby’s New Video, 'The Last Day'". Interview with Jaeah Lee, September 2, 2014.