Exercise Quotes - Page 13

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay (2015). “The Federalist Papers: A Collection of Essays Written in Favour of the New Constitution”, p.48, Coventry House Publishing
Yoga is the only exercise on this planet from which you gain energy instead of burning energy.
Bikram Choudhury, Bonnie Jones Reynolds, Julian Goldstein (2000). “Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class”, Tarcher
"The Quotable Walt Disney". Book by Disney Book Group, 2001.
Matilda Joslyn Gage (1998). “Woman, church and state: a historical account of the status of woman through the Christian ages, with reminiscences of the matriarchate”, Sky Carrier Pr
Nikola Tesla (2014). “My Inventions Nikola Tesla's Autobiography”, p.10, Lulu.com
Kenneth H. Cooper (1986). “Running without fear: how to reduce the risk of heart attack and sudden death during aerobic exercise”, Bantam
Desiderius Erasmus, William Watson Barker (2001). “The Adages of Erasmus”, p.350, University of Toronto Press
Thomas Jefferson (2010). “The Works of Thomas Jefferson: Correspondence and Papers, 1816-1826”, p.72, Cosimo, Inc.
The Picture of Dorian Gray ch. 19 (1891)
Osborn v. Bank of the United States, 22 U.S. (9 Wheaton) 738, 866, 1824.