Feeling Alone Quotes

It's better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone - so far.
Marilyn Monroe, Roger G. Taylor (1983). “Marilyn Monroe in her own words”, Putnam Pub Group
"Truth Is Crying" by Suzy Kassem, 2008.
Edward Gibbon, John Baker Holroyd (2014). “Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, Esquire”, p.83, Cambridge University Press
Virginia Woolf (2005). “The Waves”, p.43, Collector's Library
Gertrude Stein (2017). “Delphi Complete Works of Gertrude Stein (Illustrated)”, p.6173, Delphi Classics
Be guided by feeling alone. We are only simple mortals, subject to error...
"Artists on Art - from the 14th - 20th centuries" edited by Robert Goldwater and Marco Treves; Pantheon Books, London, (p. 241), 1972.
Claude Bernard (2012). “An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine”, p.71, Courier Corporation
David Foster Wallace (2014). “Girl With Curious Hair”, p.143, Hachette UK