Firsts Quotes - Page 145
Swami Vivekananda (2017). “Vedanta: Voice of Freedom”, p.353, Vedanta Society of St. Louis
Susan Sontag (2011). “On Photography”, p.21, Macmillan
Stephenie Meyer (2009). “Twilight: Twilight”, p.116, Hachette UK
On the subject of love at first sight, I’m with the Beatles: I believe that it happens all the time.
Stephen King (2016). “11/22/63: A Novel”, p.432, Simon and Schuster
Your first impulse is to share good news, your second is to club someone with it.
Stephen King (2008). “The Stand”, p.247, Anchor
The less literate are the first to fail and drop out of school.
Stephen D. Krashen (2004). “The Power of Reading: Insights from the Research, 2nd Edition: Insights from the Research”, p.43, ABC-CLIO