
Guise Quotes

Open your eyes, I'm a BLESSING in disguise

Open your eyes, I'm a BLESSING in disguise

Song: I Luv It, Album: The Inspiration, 2006

Language disguises thought.

Ludwig Wittgenstein (2016). “Tractatus Logico Philosophicus”, p.8, Clube de Autores

Time does not dispose of a question - it only presents it anew in a different guise.

Agatha Christie (2010). “The Mysterious Mr Quin”, p.22, HarperCollins UK

It often turns out on closer inspection that acts of apparent altruism are really selfishness in disguise.

Richard Dawkins (2016). “The Selfish Gene: 40th Anniversary edition”, p.26, Oxford University Press

Marvelous Truth, confront us at every turn, in every guise.

Denise Levertov (1983). “Poems of Denise Levertov, 1960-1967”, p.62, New Directions Publishing

Success without duplication is merely future failure in disguise.

Randy Gage (2001). “How to build a multi-level money machine: the science of network marketing”, p.14, Internet Profit Kit

Enemies were teachers in disguise.

Eiji Yoshikawa, Charles S. Terry (1989). “Way of Life and Death”, Pocket

Lifelessness is only a disguise behind which hide unknown forms of life.

Bruno Schulz, Jonathan Safran Foer, David Goldfarb (2008). “The street of crocodiles and other stories”, Penguin Classics

In insecure relationships, we disguise our vulnerabilities so our partner never really sees us.

Sue Johnson, Kenneth Sanderfer (2016). “Created for Connection: The "Hold Me Tight" Guide for Christian Couples”, p.83, Hachette UK

What is a Dixiecrat? A Democrat. A Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat in disguise.

"The Ballot or the Bullet". Malcolm X's Speech at Cory Methodist Church, Cleveland, Ohio, April 3, 1964.

Your problems are good. They are power in disguise.

Mark Victor Hansen, Robert G. Allen (2002). “The One Minute Millionaire: The Story that Transforms Your Life and Makes You Rich”, Random House Business Books

The ultimate disguise is nothing. Nudity.

Interview with Elina Shatkin, October 2012.