Amateurs hack systems, professionals hack people.
If you hack the Vatican server, have you tampered in God's domain?
If the North wanted to hack anything in the world, anything in the world, really, they are going to go hack a movie? Really?!
I have no time for political hacks who say things they don't believe because they get paid to.
Stan Hack has as many friends in baseball as Leo Durocher has enemies
Me, I'm just a hack. I'm just a schlep-per. I just do what I can do.
Scratch my back with a hack saw!
Anybody who hacks into get documents is completely capable of manipulating them.
The biggest PR hack you can do, is not hire a PR firm.
I'm being unfairly targeted by a bunch of hacks and haters.
Shigure: "What's in the camera? Huh? Huh? What is it?" Hatori: "Quiet, you hack.
Being fearless precisely when you are most scared is the best hack.
If you only stand up for speech you approve of, you're a hack. If you only stand up for speech that everyone approves of, you're a coward.
Just consider some of these recent hacks, JPMorgan Chase, massive bank, had 73 million e-mails stolen.
I'm severely overrated. I'm just above a hack.