
Hazards Quotes - Page 2

Calling noise a nuisance is like calling smog an inconvenience. Noise must be considered a hazard to the health of people everywhere.

Calling noise a nuisance is like calling smog an inconvenience. Noise must be considered a hazard to the health of people everywhere.

"The Insidious Health Risk You Need To Know About: Noise Pollution" by Carrie Sturrock, March 8, 2017.

The chief occupational hazard of leadership is pride.

John R. W. Stott (1985). “Involvement: Social and sexual relationships in the modern world”, Fleming H. Revell Company

Hazard not your wealth on a poor man's advice.

"Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations" by Jehiel Keeler Hoyt, p. 10-11, Conde Lucanor, 1922.

A friend is worth all hazards we can run.

John Milton, Edward Young, Thomas Gray, James Beattie, William Collins (1836). “The Poetical Works of Milton, Young, Gray, Beattie, and Collins”

Where thought is free in its range, we need never fear to hazard what is good in itself.

Thomas Jefferson, Henry Augustine Washington (1859). “The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Correspondence”, p.604

What prudent merchant will hazard his fortunes in any new branch of commerce when he knows not that his plans may be rendered unlawful before they can be executed?

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay (1842). “The Federalist, on the New Constitution, Written in the Year 1788”, p.288

The fullness of life is in the hazards of life.

Edith Hamilton (1987). “The Greek way ; The Roman way”, Random House Value Pub

To be sick and helpless is a humiliating experience. Prolonged illness also carries the hazard of narcissistic self-absorption.

Richard Hofstadter (2011). “The American Political Tradition: And the Men Who Made it”, p.398, Vintage