I’m a false icon! The media collaborate in promoting my superficial lifestyle as somehow more valid, more worthy of attention than your real lives! - Gideon Stargrave
When you're developing a story, for me anyway, it's all so important to get the script right, especially when you're telling the story of an icon. You've got to get it right. Otherwise, you'll get killed by critics and fans.
That is what [Andy] Warhol portraits do: They elevate the subject into an icon of the pop culture he was documenting.
Working with Cate Blanchett, on and off the screen, has always been a highlight for me. She embodies the perfect combination of consummate actor and world-class fashion icon.
There is a danger in becoming an icon, as people can see you as remote and untouchable, and they are less willing to tolerate you doing things that don't fit with their preconceived idea of you. Iconic status can be like a pair of handcuffs, especially if, like me, you wish to continually stretch yourself creatively, as Warhol did.
A friend of mine wrote a script, a feminist romantic comedy. She had a feminist scholar consult on it. My friend said, "Oh, my friend Gillian read it and really loved it." She goes, "Gillian Jacobs, you mean: Britta Perry, feminist icon?"
When people call me a sex icon, it's flattering but it never goes to my head because I never felt sexy as a teenager.
Janet Jackson is an icon, I've been honored to meet her a few times, working with her would be amazing.
We don't have T-shirts with my face, but there I can see the beginnings, especially young girls seeing me as sort of a icon in that way. And in that regard I'm more than happy to step in.
I don't really have a style icon but I really admire the way people dress like Gaga, Rihanna and Gwen Stefani. It's good to be inspired by singers who write music and dress incredibly - rather than models and people in the fashion industry who dress immaculately anyway because it's their style.
What I learned from being around great icons like Calvin Klein is that the great fashion trendsetters don't change their look every season. They have a look, and they update maybe a piece per season.
I hate being called an 'icon.' I just don't like it. That's all there is to it.
I think comedians have a function in society, which is to make fun of our icons.
Alexander McQueen... The fashion world has not only lost an icon but we have also lost a very special friend.
The idea of a visual icon that gives you a sense of information very quickly and that you can easily just say "That's what the style is."
I look at the careers of people I'm standing on the shoulders of. People like Lena Horne, Ella Fitzgerald, Sammy Davis Jr., and Sarah Vaughan. These are icons I wanted to emulate, and I feel like they've been holding me up for quite a long time.
Gowdy had a love affair with the microphone and the fans had a love affair with him. American sports fans truly lost an icon, a legend who never felt he was bigger than anyone else. He had that humility that made him special, and he made everyone feel like they were so important.
David Ortiz is an icon. He is one of a kind. But we'll do our best job to replace the offensive aspect, however we can.
It's so weird to say this about the icon and legend that is Cher, but she's like an old girlfriend. We still talk all the time. She's an incredible person personally and professionally, giving such amazing advice, stories for days, been there done that. She's one of a kind.
I think to be a true style icon, you just have to dress yourself. There are so many actresses floating around who have people picking out their outfits for them; that's hard for me to wrap my head around or celebrate.
Harrison Ford is absolutely amazing. He is a Hollywood icon, and just to work with him was absolutely incredible.
Cheese steaks are the gastronomic icons of this ethnic city.
European militants recognize Mumia Abu-Jamal, and the Mexican militants followed their example and legitimated his work because the Europeans said, "Hey, Mumia Abu-Jamal is relevant in the US. I, the European, am telling you. I am your political guide, your icon, your mentor for political references. I am telling you that you should support the relevant causes."
Stevie Nicks has always been my fashion icon, so I wanted to blend her infamous witchy style with the 90s valley girl theme that I was so entranced by as a young girl.
My style icon has always been my mom. I feel like she was always sophisticated and effortless and looked really well put together without trying too hard.