I have to remind myself constantly to not be antisocial, because I stay to myself a lot. Im a lot more introspective than my characters.
Apparently I'm introspective... levelheaded... but at the same time, absolutely insane.
I'm an introspective person. I'm not an extrovert.
I just turned 30 so I got really introspective as you do, questioning my life. And when I stopped and sort of looked back at the past decade, I realized I had done more work than I thought I had done.
As a person I'm a little more doubtful, introspective and analytical.
But generally speaking, I tend to be quiet and introspective.
I'm a very analytical person, a somewhat introspective person; that's the nature of the work I do.
I learned a great deal about myself, and it forced me to be introspective in a way that I'm not typically, but "reporting" on my own life became emotionally exhausting.
There's nothing worse than an introspective drunk.
For me, even in the most subtle and introspective story, it's all about tension: this is the thread that ties a reader to story, something in the rhythm and in the argument that hypnotizes and pushes us to read with great attention. As a reader, I love the storytellers who play with this, and as a writer it is something I always look for.
I am not very introspective.
I'm much more introspective than I was, say, thirty years ago.
If there is one thing to do, it is to do introspective soul searching to find your passion.
My songs are very much a kind of psychoanalysis. I am very introspective in my songs, and I am working through, always.
If you get into introspective blues or something where you're stretching out a bit, large audiences don't respond to this, so you have to give them what they want, basically.
When I say you don't have to be a believer, you just have to say - you have to ask the question to say am I concerned about the tough questions in life, being introspective enough to say, who am I, why am I, what am I?
Then when we did the untitled record, we just didn't feel like putting joke stuff on it, so we didn't. It wasn't really a deliberation or a real introspective thing like, "Are we going to joke on this one, are we not going to joke on this one?" We just didn't feel like it on the untitled one, so we didn't.
I'm not harmful, just introspective. You can probably think I'm weird, but it's not harmful weird.
I've always been pretty serious and introspective.
I'm an introspective dude.
I was always a relatively quiet and introspective kid.
One thing I've become is introspective.