Israel Quotes - Page 16

"The Shah and I: The Confidential Diary of Iran's Royal Court, 1968-77". Book by Asadollah Alam, p. 65, 1991.
"A good reporter must put ethics ahead of other considerations", The Milwaukee Journal, April 10, 1984.
Golda Meir, Israel Shenker, Mary Shenker (1970). “As good as Golda: the warmth and wisdom of Israel's Prime Minister”
We must do everything to ensure they [the Palestinian refugees] never do return
"Ben-Gurion: the Armed Prophet" by Michael Bar Zohar, Prentice-Hall, (p. 157), 1967.
Yitzhak Rabin, Efraim Inbar, Merkaz Besa le-meḥḳarim asṭraṭegiyim (1996). “Yitzhak Rabin and Israeli national security: special memorial issue”