But it goes without saying that Michael Jordan could never date Pamela Anderson. That would cause the apocalypse.
Jordan is the only Arab state that has provided citizenship to Palestinian refugees and integrated them. But something has to be done about the Palestinians living in refugee camps in Syria and Lebanon.
And besides, because of all she has accomplished, Barbara Jordan has always been a hero of mine
Michael Jordan always wore his Carolina shorts under his Bulls' uniform.
When I was in fourth grade I was drawing Jordans when my mama couldn't afford them.
You don't wanna mess up what you've done. It's like Jordan coming back: You're scared to mess up the legacy.
Strangely enough, Kathy Jordan is getting to the net first, which she always does.
Everybody's social life in Jordan revolves around family.
That's what I like about Neil Jordan's films: everyone is better at what they do than you are.
Eddie Murphy was the Michael Jordan of comedy. He had a full range of abilities.
Peace with Israel is a strategic imperative for Jordan.
Being Michael Jordan means acting the same as I always have.
The Amman Agreement failed because there was American pressure, and Israeli pressure, on Jordan to deal alone.
The truth is, I've never thought of myself as the Michael Jordan of comedy. And that's a good thing. You know why? Because I'm not. Wasn't that Richard Pryor? Yes, it was. I know what I am: I'm funny!
Whenever I see Michael Jordan I'm still blown away because he was such a hero of mine growing up.
I've always respected [Michael Jordan] but I've never been a fan of his [Jordan's].Because everybody else is.
I have a lot of Jordans, a lot of Nikes, a lot of Blazers.
In terms of my work with Nike, obviously signing Michael Jordan to a $500,000 contract in 1984 set a new precedent for the business side of the game.
Democrats are talking about how Vernon [Jordan] cheats, I mean, he philanders, he's all over place, and they love him for it.
I did feel a sense of duty. I felt that it could be a great asset to the future of Jordan, and those continuing the process of building the country, to concentrate on that humanitarian, peace-building legacy.
Robert Jordan... is a lot of writer
Travis Lutter is like the Michael Jordan of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Whatever you paid to see Michael Jordan it wasn't enough. You knew that every night out there you were gonna get the greatest concert of your life.
I've been living with that all my life. My name is Michael Jordan, so I'm always being compared to a person of greatness.
Being compared to that man [Michael Jordan], who has accomplished so much in his lifetime and is known as one of the greatest ever, is an amazing compliment, but I still want to be looked at as an individual and have my own lane and my own career and looked at as "That's Mike." "That' s Michael B."