
Light Quotes - Page 212

He must be lightning slow.

"Biography/ Personal Quotes".

The amazing heroic women in labor, they are the truest inspiration, and when they push their babies into the light... I am astonished every time.

"An Interview With Robin Lim | CNN Woman of The Year". Interview with Polly Armstrong,

Go to your banquet then, but use delight So as to rise still with an appetite.

Robert Herrick (1869). “Hesperides: The Poems and Other Remains of Robert Herrick Now First Collected”, p.236

Modernity, the child of the Enlightenment, failed when it became apparent that the good society cannot be achieved by unaided reason.

Robert H. Bork (2010). “Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline”, p.4, Harper Collins