
Long Quotes - Page 627

I don't like being in one place too long. Five days just about does it for me because I have a very low threshold for boredom.

I don't like being in one place too long. Five days just about does it for me because I have a very low threshold for boredom.

"Jackie Collins's Travelling Life". Interview with Ruth Huntman, September 10, 2015.

The life we've been leading couldn't last forever. It's a wonder it lasted as long as it did.

Jack Vance (1966). “The Last Castle”, p.21, Spatterlight Press

There has long been a bemoaning of the lack of opportunity to make films that are anything but explosions or the ladling on the pea soup or whatever you want to call it. You can hardly make a movie today where somebody isn't a murderer or a rapist or, if it's a "Fried Green Tomatoes" that isn't some wistful thing on this, that or the other thing.

"COVER STORY : Still Simmering Under the Shades : Jack Nicholson remains one of Hollywood's hottest actors and talkers. So, what, if anything, has changed? You might be surprised". Interview with Hilary de Vries, December 6, 1992.