A lot of times, mainstream critics are much tougher on small, independent movies because they can be.
What stands out to me in America was all the police vs. citizens turmoil. It's decades of bad policing, bad schooling, racism, bigotry and other factors finally spilling into mainstream culture. I would like to see America evolve on how the laws are enforced on the streets.
When I first read 'On the Road,' it helped me figure out how to live against the grain. Now I wonder how to be subversive when the subversive has become mainstream.
Being out of the mainstream is entirely consistent with the way Donald Trump is approaching his presidency.
Toronto may be the only city where novels are integral to high art, the alternative scene and mainstream culture all at the same time.
I would say that I'm pretty mainstream.
The mainstream usually follows trends, it seldom sets them except for a few films.
I'm mainstream, and I have pretty chart-tastic tastes. I don't often veer away from a big melodic song with big words for big stadiums.
The 'information novel' shouldn't be a curiosity. It should be absolutely mainstream.
I'm not sure what kept me from the mainstream. I thought it was because I was too hard to pin down genre-wise.
I think [audiences are] more aware now of the contradictions in mainstream culture, the phony piety that permeates society, the inhumane hypocrisy.
My proposal happens to be very mainstream.
When I look at public opinion, I'm not far out of the mainstream. I'm in it, in many respects. In some respects, public opinion goes beyond anything I've ever said.
Electronic music is really weird right, because it is bleeding into the mainstream, but, at the same time, it's fashion.
Protesters should make their own media and not rely on mainstream media to cover them.
Mainstream media would convince you that there's commercial culture and that's all - but this other music is still here.
Mainstream economics scholarship produces theory without facts ("pure theory") and facts without theory ("applied economics").
Fat is mainstream, which is why everyone has become complacent. What used to be considered pudgy before isn't even worthy of a comment today.
Performance has to be mainstream art. This is what I'm fighting for.
When critics ask you if you feel vindicated by other critics - I didn't like critics then, and I don't like them now. There you go. I've always been outside the mainstream, and it stayed that way.
Poetry is something that disturbs the mainstream with minor things and it is something that breaks down active discrimination with passive things, and it can break down something that polishes the filthy things with filthy things.
My creator owned books sell better than my mainstream books. And that makes no sense.
The nonfiction novel or literary memoir as authored by women is usually given a much harder time in mainstream criticism.
I am what would be called a 'mainstream feminist,' not a radical feminist.
I like Plutarch because I've read him forever, and I know that he's incredibly funky, even though his mainstream image is as Mr. Unfunky.