
Media Control Quotes

The press is our chief ideological weapon.

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (1964). “The great mission of literature and art”

There are laws to protect the freedom of the press's speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press

Mark Twain (1992). “Twain: Collected Tales, Sketches, Speeches, and Essays, Volume 1: 1852-1890”, p.726, Library of America

A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself.

Joseph Pulitzer, Michael Edgar Pulitzer (1989). “Pulitzer Publishing Company: Newspapers and Broadcasting in the Public Interest”

If in other lands the press and books and literature of all kinds are censored, we must redouble our efforts here to keep them free

Roosevelt, Franklin D. (1941). “Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: F.D. Roosevelt, 1938, Volume 7”, p.418, Best Books on

The public will believe anything, so long as it is not founded on truth.

Edith Sitwell (2011). “Taken Care Of: An Autobiography”, p.3, A&C Black