If I had a choice about going to a meeting at a studio or changing a nappy, I'd choose the nappy.
The third umpires should be changed as often as nappies and for the same reason.
I have earned the money and changed the nappies!
I always thought that dads in the old days where rather macho types who wouldn't get close to a baby, let alone change nappies.
Since when did I become the spokesperson for nappy-headed hos?
She [my wife] has had a Caesarean, so she can't bend over. It's a good excuse [for not changing nappies], I suppose.
Shitty nappy whizzing through the air, you don't see that in the brochures.
I'm still not good at changing nappies, but I do do it.
I wasn't ecstatic about being pregnant - I wasn't somebody who actively wanted kids. Certainly there were no fantasies about nappy-changing.