
Narrative Structure Quotes

The F.B.I. was very happy with the article they produced, which was entitled, "The Black Merchants of Hate," that came out in early 1963. What's significant about that piece is that that became the template for what evolved into the basic narrative structure of The Autobiography of Malcolm X.

"The Undiscovered Malcolm X: Stunning New Info on the Assassination, His Plans to Unite the Civil Rights and Black Nationalist Movements & the 3 'Missing' Chapters from His Autobiography". "Democracy Now!" with Amy Goodman, February 21, 2005.

The ultimate for me would be to do a feature that didn't require any narrative structure.

"Going deep with rebel Johnny Depp" by Ron Dicker, July 8, 2003.

A lack of narrative structure, as you know, will cause anxiety.

John Dufresne (2014). “No Regrets, Coyote”, p.7, Serpent's Tail