Method Quotes

I am not accustomed to saying anything with certainty after only one or two observations.
Letter on the China Root, quoted in "Andreas Vesalius of Brussels, 1514-1564" by Charles Donald O'Malley, 1964.
Having, First, gained all you can, and, Secondly saved all you can, Then give all you can.
"The Works of the Reverend John Wesley, A.M". Book edited by John Emory, Volume I, p. 446. Sermon 50: "The Use of Money", 1840.
I was reared in the conservative atmosphere of a Methodist parsonage.
Countee Cullen, Gerald Lyn Early (1991). “My soul's high song: the collected writings of Countee Cullen, voice of the Harlem Renaissance”, Doubleday Books
Random numbers should not be generated with a method chosen at random
Donald E. Knuth (2014). “Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms”, p.25, Addison-Wesley Professional
Karl Popper (2005). “The Logic of Scientific Discovery”, p.33, Routledge
Quoted in Philip R. Lehrman, "Freud's Contributions to Science," Harofe Haivri (1940)
"Elements of Chemistry". Book by Antoine Lavoisier, 1790.