Objects Quotes - Page 4

Distinction is the consequence, never the object of a great mind.
Washington Allston (1850). “Lectures on Art, and Poems”, p.167
"Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts". Book by Karl Marx, "Alienated Labor" (p. 134), 1844.
John Stuart Mill (2013). “Autobiography”, p.77, Simon and Schuster
An object painted upside down is suitable for painting because it is unsuitable as an object.
Georg Baselitz (2010). “Georg Baselitz: Collected Writings and Interviews”
I am aware that many object to the severity of my language; but is there not cause for severity?
William Lloyd Garrison (1852). “Selections from the writings and speeches of William Lloyd Garrison: With an appendix ...”, p.63
Thomas Jefferson (2004). “Light and Liberty: Reflections on the Pursuit of Happiness”, p.13, Modern Library
Edmund Husserl, Peter McCormick, Frederick Elliston (1981). “Husserl, shorter works”, Univ of Notre Dame Pr
The great secret of education is to direct vanity to proper objects.
Adam Smith (1817). “The Theory of Moral Sentiments: Or, An Essay Towards an Analysis of the Principles by which Men Naturally Judge Concerning the Conduct and Character, First of Their Neighbours, and Afterwards of Themselves : to which is Added, A Dissertation on the Origin of Languages”, p.421
A fool is in himself the object of pity, until he is flattered.
"Selectons from Steele's Contributions to the Tatler".
Blaise Pascal (2008). “Human Happiness”, Penguin Group USA