
Overcoming Quotes - Page 24

Resolve not to be overcome by evil, but to combat evil with good.

Resolve not to be overcome by evil, but to combat evil with good.

"Pope Francis to People of Boston: 'Resolve Not to be Overcome by Evil'" by Rebecca Hamilton, April 16, 2013.

Love in an animal sense is an illness, but a necessity which one has to overcome.

Max Beckmann, Barbara Copeland Buenger (1997). “Self-Portrait in Words: Collected Writings and Statements, 1903-1950”, p.304, University of Chicago Press

The weak overcomes its/ menace, the strong over-/comes itself.

Marianne Moore (1994). “Complete Poems”, p.126, Penguin

The hardest obstacle I've had to overcome is complacency.

"Zombie Actor Malcolm Goodwin: Life-Changing Leap of Faith". Interview with Robert Piper,

Success is overcoming obstacles on the way to your dreams.

Karl Mecklenburg (2009). “Heart of a Student Athlete: All-Pro Advice for Competitors and Their Families”, p.41, Greenleaf Book Group