
Persistence Quotes - Page 7

Be brave as your fathers before you. Have faith and go forward.

"A Bright Idea: Rescue the Incandescents" by Ken Blackwell, January 18, 2011.

Great beginnings are not as important as the way one finishes.

James Dobson (2000). “Stories of Heart and Home”, p.100, Harper Collins

Doggedness depends on emotional traits - enthusiasm and persistence in the face of setbacks - above all else.

Daniel Goleman (2012). “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ”, p.135, Bantam

Few things are impossible to diligence and skill.

Alexander Pope, William Lisle Bowles, Samuel Johnson, Alexander Chalmers, Gilbert Wakefield (1806). “The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. in Verse and Prose: Containing the Principal Notes of Drs. Warburton and Warton: Illustrations, and Critical and Explanatory Remarks, by Johnson, Wakefield, A. Chalmers ... and Others; to which are Added, Now First Published, Some Original Letters, with Additional Observations, and Memoirs of the Life of the Author”, p.342

Healing the wounds of the earth and its people does not require saintliness or a political party, only gumption and persistence. It is not a liberal or conservative activity; it is a sacred act.

Paul Hawken (2007). “Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Social Movement in History Is Restoring Grace, Justice, and Beau ty to the World”, p.14, Penguin