Perspective Quotes - Page 40
Robert Hughes (2015). “The Spectacle of Skill: New and Selected Writings of Robert Hughes”, p.25, Vintage
A senseless tragedy remains forever tragic, but it is up to us whether it remains forever senseless.
Robert A. Heinlein (1983). “Stranger in a Strange Land”, Berkley
R. C. Sproul (2009). “Knowing Scripture: Easyread Large Bold Edition”, p.16,
Peter M Senge (2010). “The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization: First edition”, p.41, Random House
Oscar Wilde (1969). “The Artist as Critic: Critical Writings of Oscar Wilde”, p.222, University of Chicago Press
Nikki Turner (2010). “Natural Born Hustler”, p.109, One World