
Pema Chodron Quotes about Perspective

Whatever happens in your life, joyful or painful, do not be swept away by reactivity. Be patient with yourself and don't lose your sense of perspective.

Whatever happens in your life, joyful or painful, do not be swept away by reactivity. Be patient with yourself and don't lose your sense of perspective.

Pema Chodron (2007). “Always Maintain a Joyful Mind: And Other Lojong Teachings on Awakening Compassion and Fearlessness”, p.85, Shambhala Publications

The biggest obstacle to taking a bigger perspective on life is that our emotions capture and blind us.

Pema Chodron (2001). “The Wisdom of No Escape: And the Path of Loving Kindness”, p.39, Shambhala Publications

When we feel left out, inadequate, or lonely, can we take a warrior’s perspective and contact bodhichitta?

Pema Chodron (2002). “The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times”, p.90, Shambhala Publications