Perspective Quotes - Page 7

Ken Ham (2012). “Lie: Evolution, The (25th Anniversary Edition): The Lie: Evolution/Millions of Years”, p.18, New Leaf Publishing Group
It is a narrow mind which cannot look at a subject from various points of view.
George Eliot (2005). “Four Novels of George Eliot”, p.367, Wordsworth Editions
Andy Andrews (2009). “The Noticer: Sometimes, All a Person Needs is a Little Perspective”, p.65, Thomas Nelson Inc
Tim Hansel (1995). “Keep on Dancin': Daily Readings to Celebrate Life”, Chariot Family Pub
It does not so much matter what happens. It is what one does when it happens that really counts.
Laura Ingalls Wilder, Stephen W. Hines (2008). “Laura Ingalls Wilder, farm journalist: writings from the Ozarks”, University of Missouri
George B.N. Ayittey (2011). “Defeating Dictators: Fighting Tyranny in Africa and Around the World”, p.209, St. Martin's Press
Rabih Alameddine (2008). “The Hakawati”, p.450, Anchor
Eckhart Tolle (2006). “A New Earth (Oprah #61): Awakening to Your Life's Purpose”, p.53, Penguin
"Cracking the Code of Our Physical Universe : The Key to a Whole New World of Enlightenment and Enrichment". Book by Matthew M Radmanesh, 2006.