
Andy Andrews Quotes

Every single thing you do matters. You have been created as one of a kind. You have been created in order to make a difference. You have within you the power to change the world.

Andy Andrews (2012). “How Do You Kill 11 Million People? (International Edition): Why the Truth Matters More Than You Think”, p.82, Thomas Nelson Inc

When confronted with a challenge, the committed heart will search for a solution. The undecided heart searches for an escape.

Andy Andrews (2005). “The Traveler's Gift: Seven Decisions that Determine Personal Success”, p.86, Thomas Nelson Inc

If you worry about what other people think of you, then you will have more confidence in their opinion than you have in your own.

Andy Andrews (2005). “The Traveler's Gift: Seven Decisions that Determine Personal Success”, p.81, Thomas Nelson Inc

When I choose to smile I become the master of my emotions.

Andy Andrews (2009). “Traveler's Gift; Mastering the Seven Decisions”, p.77, Thomas Nelson Inc

When faced with a decision, many people say they are waiting for God. But I understand, in most cases, God is waiting for me.

Andy Andrews (2009). “Traveler's Gift; Mastering the Seven Decisions”, p.200, Thomas Nelson Inc

There are generations yet unborn, whose very lives will be shifted and shaped by the moves you make and the actions you take.

Andy Andrews (2009). “The Noticer: Sometimes, All a Person Needs is a Little Perspective”, p.90, Thomas Nelson Inc

When you don't know what to do, do something. I know you don't know what to do and I know you can't do everything right now, but you can do something.

"Andy Andrews Interview: Modern Day Will Rogers Details His Latest Novel, 'The Noticer'". Interview with Melissa Parker, June 11, 2009.