
Politics Quotes - Page 64

Politics is not about winning for the sake of winning.

Paul Wellstone (2012). “Becoming Wellstone: Healing from Tragedy and Carrying on My Father's Legacy”, p.47, Hazelden Publishing

With all their attack ads, the President is just throwing away money...and he's pretty experienced at that.

Republican National Convention VP Nomination Acceptance, delivered 29 August 2012, Tampa, Florida

Always attack, never defend.

"Election Outlook 04 - Fred Barnes and Paul Begala debate" by Jeff Blogworthy, September 17, 2004.

Thank God for the bomb. Nuke ya, nuke ya.

Song: Thank God For The Bomb, Album: The Ultimate Sin

When have you ever seen someone who had no doubts who was also correct about anything?

Orson Scott Card (2009). “Xenocide: Volume Three of the Ender Quintet”, p.339, Macmillan