
Powerless Quotes

A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian.

A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian.

Billy Graham (2007). “The Journey: Living by Faith in an Uncertain World”, p.117, Thomas Nelson Inc

Without faith, God's grace is wasted, & without grace, faith is powerless.

FaceBook post by Andrew Wommack Ministries from Jul 17, 2012

Sexism has never rendered women powerless. It has either suppressed their strength or exploited it.

bell hooks (2014). “Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center”, p.95, Routledge

The almost insoluble task is to let neither the power of others, nor our own powerlessness, stupefy us.

Theodor W. Adorno, Rolf Tiedemann (2003). “Can One Live After Auschwitz?: A Philosophical Reader”, p.47, Stanford University Press

Dreams are powerless unless they are specific.

Bo Sanchez “Simplify And Create Abundance”, Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc.

The war of my life had begun; and though one of God's most powerless creatures, I resolved never to be conquered.

Harriet Ann Jacobs (2006). “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Literary Touchstone Classic”, p.29, Prestwick House Inc

Violence arises not out of superfluity of power but out of powerlessness.

Rollo May (1998). “Power and Innocence: A Search for the Sources of Violence”, p.23, W. W. Norton & Company

At times it is strangely sedative to know the extent of your own powerlessness.

Erica Jong (2013). “Fear of Flying: 40th Anniversary Edition”, p.281, Open Road Media

Powerlessness corrupts: absolute powerlessness corrupts absolutely.

Rosabeth Moss Kanter (1993). “Men and Women of the Corporation”, p.164, Basic Books

Excessive fear is always powerless.

Aeschylus (2013). “Aeschylus I: The Persians, The Seven Against Thebes, The Suppliant Maidens, Prometheus Bound”, p.140, University of Chicago Press

In presence of Nature's grand convulsions man is powerless.

Jules Verne (2016). “The Mysterious Island”, p.725, BookRix

If your mind is scattered, it is quite powerless.

Dalai Lama, Jeffrey Hopkins (2007). “How to See Yourself As You Really Are”, p.88, Simon and Schuster

Powerlessness and silence go together.

"Margaret Atwood on a voyage to the world's end" by Tim Adams, August 29, 2009.

For me, bondage makes me feel powerless and annoyed. It's like, can you untie me?

"She’s Got Legs, She Knows How to Use Them". Interview with Ariella Gogol, May 14, 2009.