
President Quotes - Page 117

If there's a major foreign policy event, the President gets on TV, the Congress doesn't.

"What's The Electoral Impact Of The Debt Debate?". "All Things Considered" with Michele Morris, August 2, 2011.

The symbolic value of having an African-American president has certainly eased some racial tensions in America, but they're not gone.

"Naomi Wolf on Obama: 'His record on civil liberties is shocking'". Interview with Killian Fox, October 13, 2012.

With President Obama, we will move America forward.

"Nancy Pelosi Speech Text: Read The House Minority Leader’s Democratic Convention Remarks", September 5, 2012.

Jobs are central to the American dream - and President Obama has focused on jobs from day one.

The House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's speech at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, September 5, 2012.