Pride Quotes - Page 14

Jack Vincent, Benjamin Franklin (2010). “Benjamin Franklin's the Way to Wealth”, p.83, The Way to Wealth
At every trifle take offense, that always shows great pride or little sense.
Alexander Pope (2015). “An Essay on Criticism”, p.13, Sheba Blake Publishing
Shall we then judge a country by the majority, or by the minority? By the minority, surely.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (2013). “Delphi Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson (Illustrated)”, p.2360, Delphi Classics
Norman Mailer (2013). “The Deer Park: A Novel”, p.368, Random House
Michael Shurtleff (2009). “Audition: Everything an Actor Needs to Know to Get the Part”, p.3, Bloomsbury Publishing USA
"The Complete Works of Leo Tolstoy".
Joseph Conrad (2016). “The Arrow of Gold”, p.7, Joseph Conrad
Stendhal (1916). “On Love”
Richard Rorty (1998). “Against bosses, against oligarchies: a conversation with Richard Rorty”, Prickly Pear (UK)
Helen Keller (2012). “Optimism”, p.3, Simon and Schuster
Dorothee Sölle (1990). “Thinking about God: an introduction to theology”, Trinity Pr Intl