Principal Quotes
Ted Turner, Janet Lowe (1999). “Ted Turner speaks: insight from the world's greatest maverick”, Wiley
The most necessary, most difficult and principal thing in music, that is time.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1905). “Mozart: The Man and the Artist, as Revealed in His Own Words”
The principal task of friendship is to foster one`s friends` illusions.
Arthur Schnitzler (1911). “Anatol: A Sequence of Dialogues”
"Artemus Ward's Lecture on the Mormons". Book edited by Edward P. Hingston, 1882.
Gustave Flaubert, Francis Steegmuller (1980). “The Letters of Gustave Flaubert: 1830-1857”, p.113, Harvard University Press
Total evil. dang, his principal had been right all along... he really was demonspawn.
Sherrilyn Kenyon (2012). “Infamous: Chronicles of Nick”, p.7, Macmillan
My principal sin is doubt. I doubt everything, and am in doubt most of the time.
Leo Tolstoy (2012). “Anna Karenina”, p.527, Modern Library