Quality Quotes - Page 84

Michel de Montaigne, George Savile Marquis of Halifax (1743). “Montaigne's Essays in Three Books: With Notes and Quotations. And an Account of the Author's Life. With a Short Character of the Author and Translator”, p.168
Max Beerbohm (2015). “The Prince of Minor Writers: The Selected Essays of Max Beerbohm”, p.72, New York Review of Books
"Irish Essays. A Speech at Eton" by Matthew Arnold, 1882.
In science, all facts, no matter how trivial or banal, enjoy democratic equality.
Mary McCarthy (1964). “The humanist in the bathtub”
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge (1954). “Collected Poems”
We turn to quantities when we can't compare the qualities of things.
Marvin Minsky (1988). “Society Of Mind”, p.284, Simon and Schuster
Martin Buber (1997). “Israel and the World: Essays in a Time of Crisis”, p.142, Syracuse University Press
Screw-top wine has improved the quality of life by about ten percent, wouldn't you say?
Martin Amis (2013). “The Pregnant Widow”, p.459, Random House
Mark Twain (1940). “Mark Twain in eruption: hitherto unpublished pages about men and events”, Harper & Brothers
Marietta Holley (1875). “My Opinions and Betsy Bobbet's: Designed as a Beacon Light, to Guide Women to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, But which May be Read by Members of the Sterner Sect, Without Injury to Themselves Or the Book”, p.113
Woman magic. A quality that could bring great joy or havoc or both in equal measure.
Miranda Lee, Margaret Way (2003). “Australian Nights”, Harlequin Books
Instead of needing lots of children, we need high-quality children.
Attributed to Margaret Mead in Fleur L. Strand "Physiology: A Regulatory Systems Approach" (p. 509), 1978.