Real Quotes - Page 255
I'm starved for love. Not ordinary love but real love. The love that's like music or something.
J. P. Donleavy (2010). “The Ginger Man”, p.149, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
Henry David Thoreau, Barry Andrews (2005). “True Harvest: Readings from Henry David Thoreau for Every Day of the Year”, p.129, Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
Henri J.M. Nouwen (2017). “You Are the Beloved: Daily Meditations for Spiritual Living”, Convergent Books
Helen M. Luke (2011). “The Way of Woman: Awakening the Perennial Feminine”, p.82, Image
The only real blind person at Christmas time is he who has not Christmas in his heart.
Helen Keller (1920). “Out of the Dark: Essays, Lectures, and Addresses on Physical and Social Vision”
The only real security for social well-being is the free exercise of men's minds.
Harold J. Laski (2014). “Authority in the Modern State (Works of Harold J. Laski)”, p.55, Routledge
The real being of language is that into which we are taken up when we hear it - what is said.
Hans-Georg Gadamer (2008). “Philosophical Hermeneutics”, p.30, Univ of California Press
Hannah Arendt (1957). “Rahel Varnhagen: the life of a Jewess”
Guy Finley (2007). “365 Days to Let Go: Daily Insights to Change Your Life”, BookBaby
Gigi Graham Tchividjian (2000). “Weatherproof Your Heart”, Spire