Rocks Quotes - Page 29
"Song: Black Republicans (Da Drought 3)". April 13, 2007.
Wendy Weir, Jerry Garcia (Spirit) (1999). “In the Spirit: Conversations with the Spirit of Jerry Garcia”, Harmony
"A Daughter of Eve". Book by Honoré de Balzac, 1839.
Henry Ward Beecher (1871). “Morning and Evening Exercises: Selected from the Published and Unpublished Writings”, p.72
Soft rock music isn’t rock, and it ain’t music. It’s just soft.
"Napalm and Silly Putty". Book by George Carlin, 2001.
Frank Zappa, Peter Occhiogrosso (1990). “Real Frank Zappa Book”, p.203, Simon and Schuster
Love is a rock against the wind. Not soft like silk and lace.
Etheridge Knight (1980). “Born of a woman: new and selected poems”, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH)
Edward Abbey (1954). “Slumgullion stew: an Edward Abbey reader”, E P Dutton
In the American Southwest, I began a lifelong love affair with a pile of rock.
Edward Abbey (2015). “A Voice Crying in the Wilderness”, p.47, RosettaBooks