Peyton Manning is doing things that I think no other quarterback in the history of the league has done at the line of scrimmage... I just think they are a team right now that's got a real chance to run the table.
Runners like to train 100 miles per week because it's a round number. But I think 88 is a lot rounder.
My sons are a hell of a lot easier to get through to than my daughter is. She seems to have my number. She can just run through the buttons.
When there was a disaster, it used to be that people went to church and all held hands. Now the minute anything happens they run to CNN.
You could really belong to a group of people and with other people, you could really make some significant changes - through the electoral process, of course, by registering people to vote, and by supporting good people who were running for office. For me, it was like I had found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
America has this understanding of Africans that plays like National Geographic: a bunch of Negroes with loincloths running around the plain fields of Africa chasing gazelles.
You never came home for lunch: you just stayed doing, playing, having fun, surfing, running round.
Universities are institutions run by amateurs to train professionals.
I feel like I'm the most competitive driver in the motorhome lot. No matter what it is - whether we're racing, playing another sport or deciding who can run to that sign and back faster - I feel like I'm the most competitive person alive.
Make Earth Day Every Day.” While we might not always live up to this ideal, I try to keep this quote from Denis Hayes, founder of the Earth Day Network and president of Seattle’s Bullitt Foundation, in mind when I need a little extra motivation to be a better environmentalist: “Listen up, you couch potatoes: each recycled beer can saves enough electricity to run a television for three hours.
I think the idea of the social construction of beauty - this idea that beauty is simply whatever culture or society says it is - is on the run. Of course, beauty does arise in a cultural context. No one ever denies that. But there's also a natural response people have to it.
People praise virtue, but they hate it, they run away from it. It freezes you to death, and in this world you've got to keep your feet warm.
Music is my life. Music runs through my veins. Music inspires me. Music is a part of me. Music is all around us. Music soothes me. Music gives me hope when I lose faith. Music comforts me. Music is my refuge.
How to run an ultramarathon ? Puff out your chest, put one foot in front of the other, and don't stop till you cross the finish line.
Want a strong, solid relationship that is willing to go the distance? Get to know your running shoes.
We can't run from who we are; our destiny chooses us.
Insiders say that Trump is running for president as a publicity stunt. That's not the Donald Trump I know.
If a hungry lion suddenly appeared, you'd be terrified. So terrified you'd probably run away. Great, fear's doing its job. But you might get so afraid that you lock up and can't move. This would be very bad. Guilt's the same. It can prevent you from fixing the situation, make you feel so bad you can't function at 100% and even lead to more guilt-provoking bad behavior.
That's the fastest time ever run - but it's not as fast as the world record
Some people are marching together and some on their own. Others are running, the smaller ones crawl. But some sit in silence.
Financial winners don't run sprints, they run marathons. They don't rush. They do it step by step over time.
How many times in life can we make decisions that are important but will not hurt anyone? Are we obligated- maybe we are- to say yes to any choice when no one will be hurt? We use the word hurt when talking about things like this because when these things go wrong it can feel as if you were hit in the sternum by a huge animal that's run for miles just to strike you.
'Jazz Artist of the Century' would have to be a distinctive soloist and ensemble player, a composer, an arranger, a bandleader, and a driver; would have to span all the genres and periods of jazz; would have to have run her own label; [would] possess a deep spirituality, with grace and a sense of humor; and would have to have succeeded against all odds. Who else? Mary Lou Williams.
Obviously we're a consumer nation and you have the power to influence these big corporations who are running the world right now through what you chose to, or not to, purchase.
I would be the worst president in the history of the United States. Unless you want the apocalypse to happen really soon then yes, I'll run for president.