
Secret Quotes - Page 15

Attack is the secret of defense; defense is the planning of an attack.

Attack is the secret of defense; defense is the planning of an attack.

Sun Tzu, Niccolo Machiavelli (2013). “The Complete Art of War”, p.20, Simon and Schuster

Complaining is the absolute worst possible thing you could do for your health or your wealth. The worst!

"Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth". Book by T. Harv Eker, February 15, 2005.

I've always believed in the adage that the secret of eternal youth is arrested development.

Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Michael Teague (1981). “Mrs. L.: conversations with Alice Roosevelt Longworth”, Doubleday Books

The battle is lost or won in the secret places of the will before God, never first in the external world.

Oswald Chambers (2015). “Called of God: Extracts from My Utmost for His Highest on the Missionary Call”, p.88, Discovery House

The secret to living a strong life is right in front of you, calling to you every day. It can be found in your emotional reaction to specific moments in your life.

Marcus Buckingham (2009). “Find Your Strongest Life: What the Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently”, p.83, Thomas Nelson Inc

Our fearlessness shall be our secret weapon.

John Green (2012). “The Fault in Our Stars”, p.115, Penguin

There will be but few people who, when at a loss for topics of conversation, will not reveal the more secret affairs of their friends.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1984). “Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits”, p.180, U of Nebraska Press

The secret of the master mind is found wholly in the use of imagination.

Christian D. Larson (2009). “Your Forces and How to Use Them”, p.281, The Floating Press