Seeking Quotes - Page 3
Brian D. McLaren (2007). “The Secret Message of Jesus: Uncovering the Truth that Could Change Everything”, p.161, Thomas Nelson Inc
Adyashanti (2009). “Emptiness Dancing: Easyread Super Large 20pt Edition”, p.2,
Waldo David Frank (1919). “Our America”
Now is the time for us to stop seeking our own satisfaction and to pour out our lives before HIM.
Oswald Chambers (2010). “My Utmost for His Highest”, p.511, Discovery House
Michael Rost (2013). “Teaching and Researching: Listening”, p.4, Routledge
Michael Crichton (1997). “Michael Crichton's Jurassic World”, Alfred a Knopf Incorporated
God, have mercy on me in the blindness in which I hope I am seeking You!
Thomas Merton, Lawrence Cunningham (1996). “A search for solitude: pursuing the monk's true life”, Harper San Francisco