Smart Quotes - Page 32
No matter how smart you are, you spend much of your day being an idiot.
Scott Adams (1996). “The Dilbert principle: a cubicle's-eye view of bosses, meetings, management fads & other workplace afflictions”
"Hush Don't Say Anything to God". Book by Rumi, translated by Shahram Shiva, 1999.
Rick Bragg (2010). “All Over but the Shoutin'”, p.15, Vintage
"Fictional character: The Doctor". TV Series "Doctor Who" ("The Pandorica Opens", 2010), (2005- ).
A judge can manipulate the law. A smart lawyer can keep a killer out of jail.
NBC TV, August 12, 1986.
Getting smart on crime' does not mean reducing sentences or punishments for crimes.
Kamala Harris (2010). “Smart on Crime”, p.13, Chronicle Books