I quickly learned that motherhood was a high wire act sometimes performed without a net.
Sometimes I feel my whole life has been one big rejection.
Long life will sometimes obscure the star of fame.
It sometimes requires courage to fly from danger.
Sometimes I wonder which is worse - confrontational people who are afraid of caring or caring people who are afraid of confrontation.
Accepting blame when it's not really due sometimes makes the point better.
I always say the work is not a celebration as such, because that's sometimes just as weird and excluding and perverse.
Sometimes I try to take a nap before shows. That clears my head.
It is often more necessary to conceal contempt than resentment; the former is never forgiven, but the later is sometimes forgotten.
Very few things which are really worth achieving come easily. Sometimes they do, but most of the time you really have to work hard and cleverly.
Praise is sometimes a good thing for the diffident and the despondent. It teaches them properly to rely on the kindness of others.
Sometimes disaster is our teacher. I don't welcome it, but if it comes, there is something to be learned from it.
Sometimes if you talk trash, you end up taking out the garbage.
Music is a big influence in my work and sometimes drives the energy of where I want to go.
I actually love Twitter, but I don't ... I never know what to ... I get a lot of my news from Twitter. But, I never ... I sometimes just don't think ... I think Twitter is full of a lot of talkers and not many listeners, so I'm happy to be one of the listeners.
I only fear God, and my wife - sometimes.
Sometimes I'm afraid to go to sleep because of what I'm leaving behind.
Sometimes it takes a guide from outside the place you know too well to remind you why you are here.
God has always opened one door after another. Sometimes you think all the doors are closed and just when you think that, a door opens.
I'm a creature of habit and I like to stay in my own little comfort zone, but you have to reach out of that sometimes. And when you do that, you grow.
Sometimes in life, there are no second chances
Sometimes you have to whisper to be heard. Our culture is very much one of "bigging it up," always upping the noise level in order to produce a louder signal.
Sometimes your dreams come true, and its a real drag.
Sometimes my skating allows me to do things I never dreamed possible.
I'm not a terrible person, I know that, but sometimes in a relationship, I can be crappy.