Trash Quotes
"The Pervert's Guide to Ideology". Documentary, 2012.
Baby, I ain't trash. Trash is something you throw away. My people keep me.
Sherrilyn Kenyon (2012). “Infamous: Chronicles of Nick”, p.273, Macmillan
Song: Thrift Shop, 2012
Trash is something you get rid of - or disease. I'm not something you get rid of.
Lana Turner (1982). “Lana--the lady, the legend, the truth”, Dutton Adult
Entertainment Weekly Interview, December 9, 1994.
A conglomerate heap of trash, that's what I am. But it burns with a high flame.
Ray Bradbury, Sam Weller (2012). “Listen to the Echoes: The Ray Bradbury Interviews”, p.291, Melville House