Spots Quotes - Page 2
Robert Murray M'Cheyne, Andrew Alexander Bonar (1866). “The life and remains, letters, lectures, and poems of [the Rev] Robert Murray McCheyne”, p.417
Song: Take It Back
If we could see ourselves as others see us, we would vanish on the spot.
Emile M. Cioran (1976). “The Trouble with Being Born”, Viking Books
God is universal; confined to no spot, defined by no dogma, appropriated by no sect.
Mary Baker Eddy (1968). “Christian Science Sentinel”
Everett Ruess (1983). “Everett Ruess, a vagabond for beauty”
Max Stirner (1993). “The Ego and His Own”, p.253,
Knowledge is little; to know the right context is much; to know the right spot is everything.
Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1952). “Selected prose”