When I was starting out, the first women studio heads and writers were just getting into their perches - development execs learning their chops.
After 34 years, I feel like I did when I was starting out. I feel excited and feel I've never been better doing what I do.
When you're first starting out, there's always the temptation to hide behind distortion because it lets you get away with murder. But, when it comes to rhythm work, you've gotta back off that gain control a bit, especially if you're playing with another guitarist.
I love the studio system. Love that studio system and all their money. They're great; I think they're fabulous . You know, what it is right now is I feel like I'm still learning as a filmmaker, I'm still starting out.
Candice is the original spelling of my name. I changed it to Kandyse when I was really young and first starting out in the business as kind of a joke. I didnt realize it would stick! I did consider changing it, but then it seemed too confusing, so then I asked them to change it back. Not too soon, however!
Back in the day, when I was starting out, I'd get five or 10 emails and I'd respond to every one. But after my third or fourth book it got too time-consuming.
I've been compared to people since the beginning. When you're starting out, you need a comparison so people will understand you right away.
I mean, we did feel nervous, starting out, but I wouldnt say it was hard. We just did what we loved and thankfully it worked out for the best.
I can say for myself that I feel like I've gotten a ton of opportunities in the digital space and not a lot in the traditional space when I was first starting out.
Starting out is very difficult if you don't have a clientele.
I wouldn't be where I am without these Funny or Die videos in general. When I was first starting out, I would take roles just to get the experience, but not exactly because I believed in the projects I was doing.
I think what I would say to my younger self, and probably to younger, just starting-out writers is that a lot of times you're just afraid to put yourself out there, and it's uncomfortable because it's working up the courage to do something, to push yourself to do those things.
It must be really hard to be starting out in music now.
Young people who are just starting out somehow need to let you know they know how to sing.
Starting out, I remember being on the same bill with other bands, and I always thought they were so much better because they were rehearsed and had all their moves down and they sounded really tight.
The only way to avoid disruption is to constantly do what you would if you were just starting out.