
Suffering Quotes - Page 140

The third noble truth says that the cessation of suffering is letting go of holding on to ourselves.

Pema Chodron (2001). “The Wisdom of No Escape: And the Path of Loving Kindness”, p.53, Shambhala Publications

The root of suffering is resisting the certainty that no matter what the circumstances, uncertainty is all we truly have.

Pema Chodron (2003). “Comfortable with Uncertainty: 108 Teachings on Cultivating Fearlessness and Compassion”, p.17, Shambhala Publications

What people really suffer from is immaturity. Among mature people war would not be a problem - it would be impossible.

Peace Pilgrim (1981). “Steps Toward Inner Peace”, p.30, Friends of Peace PIlgrim

I'm very, very sensitive to pain and to people who suffer.

"Crime does pay" by Simon Hattenstone, May 13, 2001.

Those who are not Christians go to a place of suffering and torment called hell.

Pat Robertson (1984). “Answers to 200 of life's most probing questions”, Thomas Nelson Inc

Most suffering is human-made and avoidable. It's mostly in your head.

"'The Buddha' & the End of Human Suffering / Pankaj Mishra in Kathmandu, Nepal". Interview with Felix Holmgren, The Liberator Magazine, Volume 7.2, Issue 22, 2008.