Tap Dance Quotes
I never wanted to be a painter; I wanted to be a tap dancer.
Sandra Brant, Andy Warhol, Elissa Cullman (1977). “Andy Warhol's "Folk and Funk": September 20, 1977-November 19, 1977”
The topic of working moms is a tap-dance recital in a minefield.
Tina Fey (2011). “Bossypants”, p.139, Hachette UK
I'm bored," she said. "Learn how to tap-dance," he suggested, without turning around.
Neil Gaiman (2012). “Coraline”, p.21, A&C Black
Okay, I'll strip. I'll tap dance. I'll sing 'La Cucaracha' in C minor.
Darynda Jones (2013). “Fifth Grave Past the Light”, p.258, Macmillan