It is absolutely outrageous that a spin doctor for Labor's NBN Co is being paid $450,000 per annum by Australian taxpayers to promote a company that generates no revenue, has no customers and provides no services to anybody
I'm not living off of any taxpayer money. If I am - if it's food stamps, it's a temporary resource.
Taxpayers don't need any more big government mandates that have proven to be disastrous.
Taxpayers would likely be responsible for treating addicts
Gambling is a bad deal for taxpayers
It's lose, lose for the taxpayer
Gambling is being subsidized by the taxpayers
But what shouldn't happen is, you shouldn't have the taxpayers from states that are managing their situations well paying for those states that are not.
...and that's what separates the professionals from the taxpayers
Let's start with protecting taxpayers and making sure we have more fairness in the system.
Democrats don't represent the taxpayers, they represent the tax-consumers.
Father was the most unreconciled taxpayer I ever knew.
Believe me, I understand that most higher rate taxpayers are not the super-rich.
I don't see any need to unduly burden the taxpayer.
It is very difficult to spend "federal (the taxpayers') dollars" so that the intended result is achieved.
To stabilize the nations public-employee pension systems and to prevent federal taxpayers from being billed for failed pension funds, I have introduced the Public Employee Pension Transparency Act in Congress.
The important thing is that the principles that Senator Obama outlined originally are now embraced and taxpayers will be protected.
If the American taxpayer knew how much they paid per person to put Neil Armstrong on the moon they would never have paid it. It was hidden from them deliberately because the costs were astronomical.
Save the taxpayer's money by canceling the Ares 1 and V.
Mandatory minimums have been shown to be discriminatory and waste the taxpayers' money.