Ties Quotes - Page 6
"Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers: A Complete Translation of the Fragments in Diels Fragmente Der Vorsokratiker", translated by Kathleen Freeman, Harvard University Press, (p. 163), 1948.
It is no dishonor to be in a minority in the cause of liberty and virtue
Massachusetts Historical Society, John Adams, Samuel Adams, James Warren (1917). “Warren-Adams Letters: Being Chiefly a Correspondence Among John Adams, Samuel Adams, and James Warren ... 1743-1814”
Herbert Marcuse (1969). “An Essay on Liberation”, Boston : Beacon Press
Urie bronfenbrenner (1978). “2 Wrlds Childhood”, Pocket Books
Theodore Parker “The Works of Theodore Parker: Lessons from the world of matter and the world of man”
Enrico Fermi, James W. Cronin (2004). “Fermi Remembered”, p.75, University of Chicago Press
On the road from the City of Skepticism, I had to pass through the Valley of Ambiguity.
Adam Smith (1978). “Powers of Mind”
Walt Whitman “Annotated LEAVES OF GRASS with English Grammar Exercises: by Walt Whitman (Author), Robert Powell (Editor)”, Powell Publications, LLC